Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

i was not comfortable with who i was

then came an exodus of the self
not knowing what i sought

a decade
two continents
several broken love stories
and numerous cities later
not much has changed

i still am not much comfortable with
who i am

my cat disagrees with me profusely
purring up a storm

and i slip into a deep
dreamless sleep
being content with
still not knowing what i seek
not caring for being comfortable with
who i am

i suppose
one dies like this
one sleep at a time


alice in wonderland said...

my cat disagrees with me too, and I am not sure that if it is a good sign that I am grateful for that...

subversion said...

a cat's modus operandi is to contradict for his/her own benefit while a disconnectus erectus contradicts to his/her own detriment